Industrial radiography is a method of non-destructive testing where many types of manufactured components can be examined to verify the internal structure and integrity of the specimen. Industrial Radiography can be performed utilizing either X-rays or gamma rays. Both are forms of electromagnetic radiation. The difference between various forms of electromagnetic energy is related to the wavelength. X and gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and this property leads to the ability to penetrate, travel through, and exit various materials such as carbon steel and other metals.
There are two different radioactive sources available for industrial use; X-ray and Gamma-ray. These radiation sources use higher energy level, i.e. shorter wavelength, versions of the electromagnetic waves. Because of the radioactivity involved in radiography testing, it is of paramount importance to ensure that the Local Rules is strictly adhered during operation.
Radiographic Testing is widely used in the;
1.Aerospace industries
2.Military defence
3.Offshore industries
4.Marine industries
5.Power-gen industries
6.Petrochem industries
7.Automotive industries
8.Manufacturing industries
1.Can inspect assembled components
2.Minimum surface preparation required
3.Detects both surface and subsurface defects
4.Provides a permanent record of the inspection
5.Verify internal flaws on complex structures
6.Isolate and inspect internal components
7.Automatically detect and measure internal flaws
8.Measure dimensions and angles within the sample without sectioning
9.Sensitive to changes in thickness, corrosion, flaws and material density changes

Radiographic Testing at UIC, Jubail, KSA.
1. Radiographic Testing equipment like mentioned below:
• KAKARE approved sources
• PIT storage facilities avaliable in Jubail
• assitance in creation of onsite Darkroom facilities at site
2. Experienced RT inspector for carry out difficult configuration of welds.
3. Experienced in house ASNT NDT Level III and experts for providing techniques establishment, procedure preparation, approval and consultancy services
4. ASNT NDT Level III trainers for conducting in house or external NDT Level 2 training and certification courses on Ultrasonic testing and other NDT inspection methods. Read more about Ultrasonic Testing Personnel Certifications.
5. RT inspectors qualified and certified to Level II as per ASNT recommended practice SNT-TC-1A is approved & also BINDT (British institute of nondestructive testing) approved Level-II according to ISO 9712:2012 for carry out inspection.